Figure/Ground > Greece > et cetera...

et cetera...

This is a shot of the mountain roads in Greece. Unfortunately this does not even begin to suggest how twisty some of the roads are. On the real twisty roads, there were simply no safe place to pull over to take a photo. It was one s-curve immediately after another s-curve up a steep grade. I would spend what seemed like hours in second gear, climbing up the side of the mountain. I've never missed power-steering more (no such "luxury" in our tiny car). It was a nightmare to drive at night. The roads were narrow, and there were no barriers. The side of the road is literally the edge of the mountain. Not only were there no lights, there were no reflectors either. One wrong move and you are flying off the mountain Thelma Louise style. I wonder how many people die on these mountain roads per year?

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Email liao@yusheng.ca if you wish to license this photograph.

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